Bit late getting this on the web as internet has been a bit of a challenge. On Tuesday, Ang, Ted and I flew from Sydney to Rockhampton, Queensland, leaving Kathy and Bruce Zagel to enjoy Sydney for a few days. Upon landing, Pastor Horst of Calvery Lutheran Church in Rockhampton was kind enough to pick us up at the airport and drive us to Yeppoon.
Yeppoon is about 40 minutes outside of Rockhampton, about half way up the coast of Eastern Australia. Formerly renowned for its pineapples, it has been been rebuilding that industry after a disease wiped out most of the trees. The area remains a vibrant tourist destination, attracting individuals from more Southerly portions of Australian during the fall and winter seasons. Being more tropical, temperatures tend to be warmer during May through September. While we have been here, it has been in the mid to high 20s Celsius (above 70 F).
We are at the Cool Waters Resort Camp near Kinko beach, just south of Yeppoon. We are working with the Pastors of the Queensland District of the Lutheran Church of Australia. As always, it has been quite enjoyable wrestling with the issues surrounding Biblical peacemaking and Conflict Coaching with the participants. With a broad range of backgrounds present, like our prior groups, the Queensland pastors bring their own experiences and insights to the material. It is always a great learning experience for me to hear their thoughts on the materials and the challenges and opportunities it presents.
Tomorrow we will move into day 2. As noted previously, this is our skill building day, with participants being given the opportunity to practice some of the individual conflict coaching skills in isolation. This is done in anticipation of the 2 half day role plays on Friday which will provide an opportunity for the pastors to integrate these skills and apply them to a “real life” fact pattern. Please continue to keep the pastors and us in your prayers, as the schedule and the materials tend to be quite challenging.
Sola Deo Gloria
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